10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

You'll never look at B1 Battle Droids the same way after reading this Star Wars list.

By Gareth Morgan /

The more time you spend immersed in this magnificent Star Wars universe, the more likely you are to discover some of the galaxy's most outrageous, mind-blowing, and even quite bizarre truths.


And oh boy, there are some doozies out there.

At a glance, a lot of the following crazy Star Wars facts may initially appear a little too odd or silly to be true. But just remember, this is the same galaxy far, far away that contains valiant teddy bears, space wizards, and giant gangster slugs.

Anything and everything is possible, folks.

Have you ever caught yourself wondering what on earth inspired the design of the Trade Federation's B1 battle droids in canon? Pondered the question of how many loos were present on a certain iconic space ship? Or even just questioned what happened to those younglings and padawans who didn't graduate Jedi school?

Well, you're in luck. This list is about to provide you with the pretty darn unbelievable answers to those rather specific questions and more!

You may take one look at these entries and scream, "that's not true. That's impossible!" like a rather famous Jedi. But just as a stunned Luke Skywalker was very much incorrect, you would be too...

10. B1 Battle Droids Were Designed To Resemble Geonosians

Ever since the day they debuted in the Star Wars universe during 1999's Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, folks have no doubt been wondering what in the hell went into the designing of these little battle droid nuisances.


It was ultimately shown in Episode II: Attack of the Clones that the B1 battle droids were manufactured on the planet Geonosis. And it turns out that they were actually designed to resemble the flying alien creatures found on that sandy planet, according to the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded canon reference book.

These droids were also ridiculously cheap to produce, hence why the Separatists were never that bothered about waves of the little mechanical menaces being wiped out during the Clone Wars.

The resemblance between the Geonosians and the increasingly comical droid soldiers they designed has honestly been staring you in the face for decades.

And elsewhere, droidekas were designed by the Colicoid species, an insectoid race that also opted to make their droids look somewhat like themselves. Because why the hell not, eh?
