10 Underrated Films From Major Hollywood Stars

By Audrey Fox /

Once an actor makes it to the big time, their entire filmography is usually under intense public scrutiny. There's a reason they are famous worldwide and command massive salaries -- audiences are willing to watch anything they have their name attached to. But somehow, there are always projects with famous actors that never seem to get the attention they deserve. There are a number of reasons for this -- maybe the film was made on a low budget, and didn't have enough money to mount a widespread promotional campaign. Maybe the critics just didn't get it at the time, or it was simply deemed less significant than some of their other work, their merits are overlooked in favor of films that won Oscars or made a lot of money. Most A-listers have at least one or two of these films floating around, overshadowed by their blockbuster work. But then we watch their films now, and wonder why we're not talking about this films far more often than we do. These are just a few of the lesser known films from really famous Hollywood stars -- they might not be totally unknown, but they€™re definitely under-appreciated.

10. Tom Cruise - Far And Away

Tom Cruise kind of has a reputation that makes it hard for people to take him seriously. His most successful films have been the big budget blockbuster action films, and while those are good, he has had some really solid forays into other genres. For the most part, his career has been pretty well-chronicled. But no one ever seems to talk about Far and Away, a historical romance Cruise did in the early 90s. He plays a headstrong young Irishman who accompanies a spoiled rich girl to America, drawn by the promise of the Homestead Act, which offered land for anyone willing to make the journey out west. He starred in this film with then-wife Nicole Kidman, and the two actors have an electric chemistry with one another that elevates the romantic elements of the film. Cruise manages a much better than expected Irish brogue (although any natives could undoubtedly find flaws in it), while bringing a great deal of charm to the role of Josephy Donnelly. This is young Tom Cruise at his very best, but for some reason Far and Away is rarely mentioned when discussing his filmography.