10 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Movie Deaths

By Shaun Munro /

Death scenes in films are, primarily, supposed to be visceral moments that evoke a serious reaction in the viewer; sadness, anger, righteous joy, among many other feelings. In the following examples, uncontrollable laughter certainly wasn't what the filmmakers were trying to get from us, but they did anyway. Re-watching these clips, one can imagine how a scene might have seemed emotive on the page, but once the director sat down in the edit suite, how on Earth did it pass muster? Nevertheless, they did accidentally provide some morsels of fried, comic gold, so we're grateful all the same. Here are the 10 movie deaths that are most likely to - against their will - have you laughing yourself into a coma.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio - Titanic

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kNgTI_404k&t=4m25s Don't worry; this isn't going to be a diatribe railing against Titanic like you might expect because, believe or not, as a James Cameron fanboy, I do appreciate the film as an immense, crowd-pleasing spectacle. That is not what makes this scene funny; it is Cameron's bizarre screen-writing, which turns a potentially firmly moving scene into one that, really, is just a bit daft. As Rose rests on the makeshift raft while Jack slowly freezes to death, she tells Jack, "I'll never let go", and while this of course is less a literal statement and more a metaphorical one, juxtaposing that statement with her almost immediately letting go of his hand is extremely clumsy from an editorial perspective. Why not linger on the moment a little longer, so we're not so focused on the words, or perhaps not have her physically let go on-screen? Still, it didn't seem to bother people - and frankly, they might have needed the laugh given how much destruction and death they'd just witnessed - and the film was a colossal hit, so go Team Cameron.