10 Upcoming Movie Remakes NOBODY Wants

Reboots are rarely a good idea, but these currently in-production movie remakes are ridiculous.

By Scott Banner /

While there's no denying that movie remakes can lead to brilliant results (look no further than John Carpenter's The Thing and the Coen Brothers' True Grit for confirmation than that), it remains the case that the vast majority rarely do justice to the source material. Post-2010, remakes and reboots have become an easy way for movie studios to cash in on nostalgia, revisiting older comforts instead of charging forward with something new and inventive.


Rebooting old franchises is something that filmmakers have seemingly become obsessed with, and it's easy to see why. In theory at least, building on a previous success and standing on the shoulders of giants, exploiting pre-established feelings, seems like it should be a shortcut to a big win at the box office.

Unfortunately, this has been true enough times that remakes are happening around the clock, and despite rarely ever recapturing the magic that made the originals so popular in the first place, the trend shows no signs of slowing down or stopping.

You could argue that rebooting any franchise is a lazy and uninspired idea, but these 10 efforts in particular - all currently in different stages of production - are on another level entirely.

10. The Garfield Movie

Garfield the Cat is one of those characters that everyone knows, and has enjoyed popularity for a long time. It's been almost five decades since the ginger cat made his first comic strip appearance, but is anyone really asking for another Garfield film in 2024?


It's been 20 years since Bill Murray first voiced Garfield in a role he famously regretted, and while the trend for studios right now is playing on nostalgia and reviving old franchises, it's hard to see the new iteration hitting the mark on any level.

To its credit, it has an impressive cast, boasting the likes of Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson, Hannah Waddington, Nicholas Hoult, and Ving Rhames among others, but even taking this into account there isn't much to get excited about. On top of a certain amount of potential audiences feeling something of a Pratt fatigue, with the Guardians of the Galaxy star having received an inordinate level of voice acting work recently, the trailer offered no compelling reasons to part with your hard-earned money.

Every joke fell flat, and it just screams of rebooting a franchise for the sake of it. It may not even be particularly offensive when it releases later in the year, but there is a strong feeling that the time, talent, and resources being poured into The Garfield Movie could be better served elsewhere.
