10 Upcoming Movies With INSANE Budgets

These movies cost a freakin' fortune.

By Jack Pooley /

As won't be a surprise to anyone who knows much about movies, studio filmmaking sure isn't cheap, because when your film stars A-list actors, requires fancy production design, elaborate visual effects, and so on, the numbers quickly add up to potentially hundreds of millions of dollars.


With so many of last year's mega-budget blockbusters underperforming at the box office, there's been a call for Hollywood to rein in its alarmingly huge spending, though if some of the biggest movies releasing this year and next are any indication, executives haven't quite gotten the memo yet.

These upcoming movies have frankly jaw-dropping budgets, for while plenty of $200 million movies are able to turn a profit, it's entirely dependent on so many factors - marketing, subject matter, and of course, the actual quality of the film itself.

With all that in mind, these hugely budgeted - arguably over-budgeted - movies have quite the steep hill to climb if they want to reach profitability at the box office. 

While many of them have sure potential to do well, it won't surprise many if they end up under-performing due to how much they ended up costing...

10. Twisters

Budget: $200 million


One of the biggest box office wild cards of the year is Twisters - a standalone sequel to 1996's much-loved disaster thriller Twister. And though the trailer certainly sells the solid cast and glossy mayhem, its $200 million price tag is more than a little concerning.

Even accepting that disaster movies about tornadoes inherently don't come cheap and the original film grossed almost $500 million worldwide, an MCU-sized budget for a 30-years-later sequel seems like a colossal, arguably unnecessary risk.

The simplicity of its premise and rising popularity of star Glen Powell will certainly help, but the huge budget means that, using the typical 2.5x rule, it needs to gross $500 million to be a true success. 

As last year proved beyond any doubt, spectacle alone won't necessarily drive a film to commercial success - the marketing will also need to persuade audiences that this is a can't-miss experience on the big screen that won't hit the same at home.

Given the talented cast and crew involved, here's to hoping Twisters is one of the summer's big breakout hits.
