10 Upcoming Trends That Will Change Movies Forever

You heard it here first!

By Jack Pooley /

Like any other entertainment medium, the world of cinema is constantly evolving, by way of technological advancement and creative trends that audiences respond to: no year of cinema is the same, and in looking ahead to 2015 and beyond, it's easy to see where the industry might be going. Whether talking about new models for bankrolling a movie, sub-genres that are finally about to get their due, brand new technology and the death of old ones, Hollywood excess at its finest and easier access to more movies than ever, these growing trends are set to change how movies are made and seen forever more. Even though not every emerging trend on this list is going to necessary improve audience access to and enjoyment of movies, it's nevertheless an exciting time to be a film buff, because more doors than ever are being opened to people wanting to make movies, to watch them, and crucially, to watch them in the way they want, in the best format possible. If even half of these coming trends live up to their promise, cinema would be all the better for it, and as for the others? The jury's out so far, so wait and see. Here are 10 upcoming trends that will change movies forever.