10 Villains Who Need To Appear In The MCU

Marvel's heroes might be super, but their villains are anything but...

By Liam Lambert /

No other production company has managed to consistently churn out critically and commercially successful hits quite like Marvel Studios. They produce movies that are colourful, exciting, and generally faithful to their source material, and have helped to make the comic book movie the most popular genre on the planet. One criticism that is regularly levelled at them, though, is that they’re really lacking in the villain department.


The MCU’s heroes might be smart, well-drawn and likeable characters, but their antagonists are often either dull, one-note characters devoid of charisma, or abstract, otherworldly beings with murky motivations that feel completely disconnected from anything else in the movie.

To date, the only MCU villains to become as popular as their corresponding heroes either appear on Marvel’s Netflix series’, or are named Loki. For every Kilgrave or Kingpin, there seem to be over a dozen Yellowjackets or Malekiths, bad guys with little else to do other than be a punching bag for our plucky heroes.

But Marvel’s comics are actually littered with provocative, understandable, and most importantly for Disney, easily marketable villains just waiting to be adapted for the big screen.

If Kevin Feige wants to keep his comic book behemoth at the top of its game, he might want to think about incorporating some of the following...

10. Carnage

If Marvel Studios are looking to avoid re-treading old ground or provoking comparisons to Sony’s Spider-Man franchise (and the inclusion of The Vulture as Spider-Man: Homecoming’s villain strongly implies this), then they may need to dig a little deeper into Peter Parker’s rogues gallery. If they don’t want a rehash of the Venom story-line from Spider-Man 3, then why not rope in Venom’s redder, angrier symbiotic pal?


Carnage is a great way to incorporate some neat, sticky CGI and practical effects into a movie, but he also serves as an interesting polar opposite to Spider-Man. If Peter Parker is a charming, mild-mannered intellectual who uses his powers for the good of the community, then Carnage is a torturous, psychotic murderer whose mind and body are themselves being used by an otherworldly parasite.

Carnage would feel right at home in a sequel to Homecoming, perhaps as Peter begins to discover the trials and tribulations that come with adulthood, and struggles to cope with the magnitude of his Avenger-battling and potential space-faring exploits.

Oh yeah, and Carnage can also create weapons using his symbiote powers, opening up the possibility for a whole range of T-1000-esque scenarios to play out.
