10 Weirdest Cult Horror Movies You Need To See

Just when you thought you'd seen everything...

By Marc Smith /

For those of us that love the visceral thrill of horror films, it can be difficult to find something new and exciting amongst the near endless amount of trash that you can find on streaming services. Sure, there's a wealth of spooky content out there to while away the long winter nights, but every so often you might find yourself craving something a little different.


For every by-the-numbers slasher film or typical haunted house flick, there's a plethora of weird, wonderful and criminally underappreciated titles that all horror fans should subject themselves to at least once.

Be they Eastern gore epics, strange experimental pieces, or unsung classics of European horror, the films compiled here today are all worth checking out if you're a fan of the scary stuff.

They may have not gone down a storm with the masses (or even critics for that matter), but have since earned their place in horror history via the devotion of their highly enthusiastic fan-bases and subsequent re-releases on physical media. So with that, let's look at ten brilliantly weird cult horror flicks that you should seek out immediately.

Strap yourself in guys, it's about to get strange.

10. Begotten

With acclaim from the likes of Marilyn Manson and Nicholas Cage, there should be no doubt in your mind that Begotten is an incredibly strange film; but one only need to look at the image above to see that.


An experimental art-piece that began life as a theatre production, Begotten is a horrific, avant-garde nightmare that plays it fast and loose with its narrative and opts to tell its story through visuals as opposed to words. It tackles heady themes such as religion, creationism and rebirth; as well as exploring philosophical ideas from the likes of Friedrich Nietzsche and Antonin Artaud.

There's very little exposition and viewers are invited along for a gruelling journey across a desolate world where everything is barren and hopeless. The events on display are cruel, violent and just baffling enough to infer multiple different readings.

With next to no dialogue, an intentionally harsh and abrasive visual style, as well as a plot that's completely open to interpretation, Begotten is certainly not for everyone. Its abstract and experimental nature will be off-putting to most, but for those who enjoy the works of Alejandro Jodorowsky and David Lynch, there's plenty here to satisfy your macabre interests.
