10 Worst Moments Of CGI In Jurassic World

Something has survived...it's bad nineties special effects.

By Tom Baker /

Screw Birdman €“ the most meta commentary on the state of the entertainment industry this year is none other than Jurassic World, the long-awaited sequel to the original dinosaur-stomping franchise. The main crux of the film is people becoming bored with the spectacle of the park, so they create an artificial, genetically-spliced beastie. And pursuant to that same goal, Jurassic World (the film) aims to provide a spectacle unlike those that jaded film-going audiences have seen before. After all, they wouldn't be satiated with the same miniatures and animatronics they used in the original Jurassic Parks, are they? So it's almost entirely CGI all the way through, baby. Which has apparently pleased PETA, who have commended the film for not using any real extinct animals for its production, but is rather disappointing for others. The use of practical effects in the original Jurassic Park is part of the reason that first film at least has aged well €“ the old-school CGI is used sparingly, and so it doesn't have chance to date. The computer graphics in this new film, meanwhile, leave a little to be desired. It's one thing to have a slightly shonky-looking raptor in your one-minute, home made YouTube gag; it's quite another when it's appearing in a multi-million dollar film production. Here are the ten worst moments of CGI in Jurassic World.
