11 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films The Fans Would Love (That Will Never Happen)

Potentially awesome movies that will simply never happen....

By K.J. Stewart /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the biggest ongoing movie franchises today. With nine films released to date, another scheduled for release in August of this year (Guardians of the Galaxy), another two scheduled for release next year (The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man) and several more planned for the coming years, it stands to become one of the biggest movie franchises of all time. Marvel have a huge number of potential characters and comic book story arcs to use in future movies and there are certain ones that would drive fans crazy with excitement. However, for various reasons, a lot of these potentially awesome movies will simply never happen. Whether it's due to similar movies not proving overly popular in the past, the characters in question simply not being popular enough in Marvel's eyes or the ongoing problems with character rights belonging to different studios, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will have a lot of disappointment to go with the undeniable joy the movies continue to give them. In this article, we'll be taking a look at some examples of this. Here are eleven Marvel Cinematic Universe films that the fans would love to see (that will never actually happen)...

11. Hawkeye: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hawkeye was criminally underused in his Avengers appearance, in which he was mostly used as a pawn by Loki to take down the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier in the Asgardian's bid to cause a rift in the Avengers' ranks. Aside from his appearance in the superhero team-up movie, his only other appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date was an extremely brief cameo in Thor. Although Jeremy Renner is set to reprise his role as Hawkeye in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and indeed play a key part in it, fans of the character think he deserves a solo movie just as much as any of the "bigger" characters. Hawkeye's ongoing comic, which began in 2012, is one of the best titles out there right now and the character has had a major resurgence in popularity as a result. A movie based on his own adventures would undoubtedly be great, but Marvel just don't seem to want to do anything like that with him and the likelihood is that it's never going to happen.