11 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (March 21st)

Does Slimer have a girlfriend in Ghostbusters?

By Jack Pooley /

It's a huge week for movie news as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finally hits cinemas, and of course, plenty more information has leaked out as the release has drawn near (though don't worry, nothing that'll ruin the movie for you). That's not all, though: we got some insight into the future complexion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, some Star Wars tidbits, and the unexpected possibilities of a certain CGI-heavy action film franchise. Here are 11 movie spoilers we didn't know last week...

11. Jimmy Olsen Is Definitely In Batman v Superman

Though rumours have been swirling for months that Scoot McNairy is in fact playing Jimmy Olsen, it was confirmed from a clip released this past week that he is playing an original character named Wallace Keefe, who appears to testify against Superman in the senate hearing seen in trailers. However, the cast list was also finally completed on IMDB this week, and curiously revealed that actor Michael Cassidy will be playing the intrepid Daily Planet photographer. This is all the more interesting as it's not Cassidy's first run-in with Superman: he played Lex Luthor's clone brother Julian in the seventh season of Smallville. No word yet on how big the role is, but he's 100% in there.