11 Stinking 2014 Movies That Scored 0% On Rotten Tomatoes

Romance, horror, sex comedies and evangelical Christmas movies. How not to entertain the critics...

By Simon Gallagher /

Since 2010 a worrying trend has emerged in global film-making: the rise of the 0% movie. Back before the turn of that year, a handful of stinkers would make their way into cinemas, and scoring a big fat nothing was very much a terrible accolade - and something to be firmly embarrassed about. In the four years since, however, the turkeys and clunkers have been on the rise, including films that have performed modestly at the box office. You might expect that this year's crop would be a collection of mockbusters, straight to DVD travesties and cheaply made genre flicks, but even they swerve the basement score admirably. So, why has the number of zero percenters increased? Are critics more cynical? Is it more hip to be an angry young film writer? Or are production companies just getting worse at turning garbage down? In truth, it's probably a bit of both...

11. Saving Christmas

Rating: $2.8million

When it was panned by critics, Kirk Cameron attempted to rally his fans to Rotten Tomatoes to change the 0% rating for this religious doc about the "real" meaning of Christmas (typically blinkered) with a post on Facebook and show critics that audiences decide what they should see at cinemas.


Guess what happened.
