It's been a weird, weird week for film fans, what with the devastating hack on Sony Pictures and subsequent terrorist threats leading major US cinema chains to elect to not show the Seth Rogen and James Franco political comedy The Interview, causing Sony to cancel the Christmas Day release of the movie entirely. Though sense has (kinda) won out in the end and Sony have now insisted that the movie will be released in some form, likely on VOD, it has set a devastating precedent for contemporary filmmaking, even if it's far from the first film to be pulled from release due to controversy. In these 12 instances, it might refer to the objectionable content at the forefront, legal red tape amid production, or bizarre technical issues, but each, mired in a significant amount of mystique ever since the cancellation was first announced, has become semi-legendary with movie aficionados. Whether infamous due to what they're about or because of the prolonged nature of their production, these 12 movies may never see the light of the public sphere, enduring instead as symbols of demented ambition and, ironically enough, probably earning a lot more fame as a result. Here are 12 controversial movies that never got released...