12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

Orifice invading parasites! Inhuman pregnancies! Torn off faces! Skull drilling! Number theory!

By Cathal Gunning /

There are some flicks which you have to see, regardless of how intense the viewing experience proves. Sure, we’re not going to begrudge anyone who avoids the cinematic oeuvre of Gaspar Noe from the cradle to the grave, but anyone who misses out on Davids Lynch and Cronenberg alike due to their scary, often grotesque imaginings is missing out on a big chunk of film history—not to mention some straight up great films.


With that in mind, we’ve assembled a shortlist of disturbing sci fi films which you may well never want to re-watch, but which more than deserve a lone, unforgettable viewing due to their impressive achievements in the medium. Some cross over into horror territory, some simply rely on gory or chilling imagery, and some are relatively restrained but traffic in horrifying ideas—whatever the case, these are a dozen sci-fi flicks which you may struggle to finish, but nonetheless need to see before you die.

Whether said death comes from alien parasites, robot-human metal-flesh melding, cult-assisted monster god sacrifice, or any of the many gruesome fates included in the flicks listed here…

12. Society

Brian Yuzna’s Lovecraft adaptation Re-animator is amongst the finest comedic body horrors ever made, with its unforgettable sequences such as the “giving head” scene elevating it above the many forgettable zom-coms of the eighties and inspiring the likes of former Troma director James Gunn’s Slither.


So, far too re-watchable to qualify for this list.

But whilst 1989’s sharp social satire Society may be a classic, its slow burn plot and uneven acting make it a difficult one to recommend re-watching. Once you’ve endured the horrific shunting sequence and seen in no uncertain terms how gruesomely the rich feed off the working class, there’s really no need to put yourself through this angsty teen-mystery/ sci-fi horror hybrid again—but good luck getting through that first viewing without incurring some therapy bills.
