12 Giant Plot-Holes You Didn’t Notice In 2015’s Biggest Movies

Yeah, let's make that million dollar exhibit invisible to the human eye...

By Simon Gallagher /

Saying 2015 wasn't the best year for films isn't really a drum that needs banging any harder: though the highs were towering, the lows were cavernous and there seems to have been a conscious agenda to make everyone stupider. That's particularly true of the blockbusters, which were entirely blase with their own logic and created scripts that left holes so big you could practically walk an Indominus Rex out of them. But which films - and which plot-holes - were the worst offenders? It's a ripe harvest, to say the least. Obviously, you'll get the same questions as usual: how did Watney go to the bathroom on his 50 Sol trip to the rescue site? How did Rey gain her powers? Why would anyone clone dinosaurs again? Sometimes you just have to put it down to narrative contrivances, or future revelations. Or the fact that nobody wants to watch Matt Damon having an actual sh*t into a bag in glorious IMAX... So yeah, they don't all count. The interest here is more in the idiotic oversights that should have been dealt with by writers, but which were left in to confuse and irritate audiences throughout the year...

12. Why Exactly Is Erik Selvig Necessary? - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Thor is going to be a key character for the bridge between Age Of Ultron and Infinity Wars, if his arc in the sequel was anything to go by. He has hints of what is going on around the universe, and he presumably has some inkling that the Infinity Gems are key to his own planet's survival and that of the universe. That's all well and good, but the way he came into possession of that information is the problem here. Thor basically learns it from a vision intended to terrify him: so somehow Scarlet Witch was able to psychically channel the future into his brain to give him a flash not of nightmare, but of foresight. That's the first thing that makes no sense. The second is that he realises he can dip back into this "dream" (that's not what it was, but whatever, Thor) by going for a swim in a Water Of Sight pool. And that he must consult Erik Selvig... Wait, so the world-renowned theoretical Astrophysicist is now somehow an expert in ridiculous dream pools? Apparently not, because Thor has to explain the mechanics of the pool to him, so why the hell is he even there in the first place?!