12 Military Characters Who Put You Off The Army

By Michael Thompson /

Joining the armed forces can lead to a great life. It can be an excellent career loaded with perks and even though there is always the question of getting deployed to fight your country's enemies, for the most part depending on what branch you join all you'll be doing is administration work or keeping the outfit in shape. The military tells you what to do and how to do it and you follow those orders to get paid. For the most part it's really that simple. Of course there are, however, some down sides. One is having to follow orders even when they may be wrong. You will have to combat federal government's bureaucracy all the time. More than likely the worst thing you will encounter is dealing with bad soldiers. This last one could cost you your life as fellow soldiers are the ones who guard your back in the field or give you orders that may put you through hell. Getting stuck with bad soldiers beneath you or bad officers above you could mean finding yourself very quickly at the bottom of a hurt locker with no where to go. Since you sign your life away to the government by joining the army it is something you should strongly think about doing before making the decision. Not to appear as a deterrent, but you should also mentally prepare yourself for some of the worst people you may ever encounter. As any drill sergeant will tell you at boot camp: "Welcome to the army, here you're going to meet a lot of people. Some of them will be your best friends. A few of them will be your worst enemies and you will hate every stinking inch of their guts!"