12 Truly Heartbreaking Facts About Film In 2016

Screw 2016.

By Jack Pooley /

2016 has been one hell of a wild ride that none of us will soon forget: the global political landscape faced a massive upheaval, the Grim Reaper seemed to cull well above his quota, and with slightly less priority, Hollywood served up as many disappointments as it did reasons to be excited about the future of film.


From grossly misused actors to performances that won't get their due awards recognition and missed opportunities we all wanted to see, 2016 may have had its share of awesome movies and moments, but it also left card-carrying film fans with a lot of despair, disappointment and flat-out heartbreak to contend with.

All that can be done now is to take stock of the year, raise a glass and hope 2017 is a little more forgiving. Who knows, maybe the DCEU will finally get itself straight, because that'll sure be something to cheer for.

Here are 12 truly heartbreaking facts about film in 2016...

12. Oscar Isaac Was Totally Wasted In X-Men: Apocalypse

Fans were naturally excited when it was first announced that the terrific Oscar Isaac would be appearing as the legendary comic book villain Apocalypse in the next X-Men movie.


Then the film actually came out, and though Isaac did just fine with what he had, it sadly wasn't very much at all. For starters, Isaac was under so much performance-encroaching make-up that pretty much any jobbing actor could've taken the part, and so all he was really there for was a little name recognition.

While Apocalypse's surprisingly diminutive stature was highly controversial among fans, the real tragedy is that a terrific actor was hired for a shockingly generic role. And worse still, Apocalypse has a pretty concrete death scene in the film, so it's unlikely Isaac will return to the part even if the villain is resurrected at some point.
