14 Sassiest Droids In The Star Wars Universe

In honor of Rogue One's release on Blu Ray.

By David Bailey /

They’re mechanics, soldiers, spies, doctors, translators, butlers, bartenders, janitors, fry cooks and so on and so on. But the droids of Star Wars aren’t just emotionless drones. Each is imbued with a unique personality. But one personality trait that seems to be most common among droids is sass.


A whole lot of them have the disposition of that one HR person you best not talk to about your expense reports until they’ve had their morning trough of coffee.

Sure, there are a few outliers. The medical droid that helps Luke recover from his Wampa injuries has a congenial bedside manner. And the no-nonsense Imperial Probe Droid seems to have an uncomplicated attitude, like “Look man, I just came here to do my job then blow myself up. Cool shield generators, by the way. [Explodes]”

Aside from those two though, droids are, in general, pretty sick of everyone's crap. For being machines built to help, whether in battle, around the house or under the hood of your spaceship, they grumble about everything, every chance they get. Either sassiness is embedded in their programming, or the droid life nurtures a sassy ‘tude. Either way, you wouldn’t want to to submit an expense report to a droid without a receipt.

Rogue One introduced us to one of the sassiest droids yet, so in honor of its arrival on Blu Ray, let’s whisper about them passive-aggressively and hope they don’t hear us.

11. K-2SO

Kaytoo was designed by the Empire for the dual purpose of strategic analysis and dropping zingers like ion bombs. Every other thing this guy says is a one-liner; he is literally short-circuiting with sarcasm.


Brought to life through motion-capture by the incomparable Alan Tudyk, Kaytoo is like the robot version of Phineas Gage, that guy you learned about in your Psych 101 class. On the off chance you weren’t paying attention in a freshman intro course, here’s a little refresher.

Gage got a steel rod driven up through his skull, destroying his left frontal lobe. That’s the part of the brain that enables you to nod and smile when friend asks if you like their new thumb ring. Roughly the same thing happened to Kaytoo when Cassian rewired him do Rebel stuff, essentially removing all filters.

The world thanks you for doing this, Captain Andor, because the result is one of Star Wars' most memorable new characters.
