14 Totally Legal Ways You Can Watch Movies For Free

By Scott A. Lukas /

Vimeo With the growth of YouTube, Vimeo, and other internet video sites, it is now possible to watch a variety of online videos... and all for free! Free, that is, if you don't count the time that you might spend watching some of the ads that accompany the free content, although most people would probably say that this is a small price to pay for the many feature films, documentaries, and other media that are available to view. Many viewers who have complained about some of the issues with pay video services - like Netflix - are beginning to consider the attractiveness of the newer free video sites out there. As we review some of the most popular sites that offer free video, keep in mind that you now have more options in terms of how you can view the media. In addition to watching videos through your favorite browser on the internet, you may be able to do the same with a convenient app. Many of the free video services have free apps available for the most popular media systems - Xbox, PlayStation, your smart television, streaming video boxes like Roku, and your smartphone. The content described here is often specific to the United States, so keep in mind that the availability of any of these services depends on your location. Also, you will likely find additional free movie sites on the Internet just by doing a search with the terms "watch free movies" or a close variation. I have tried to include the most reliable sites here, but feel free to add your own sites in the comments section of this article (particularly if I have missed some of the sites for readers in the UK). Here, then, are 14 legal ways that you can watch movies for free...