15 Awesome Harry Potter Deleted Scenes


By Alex Leadbeater /

The Harry Potter universe is ridiculously expansive, with J.K. Rowling's books spawning an entire world hidden within our own. It's proven so narratively detailed (and, of course, popular) that audiences are going to be treated to a cinematic trilogy inspired by the fictitious author of a schoolbook Harry used once in a couple of classes. James Cameron and Peter Jackson are green with envy at her relentless world-building. Of course, with so much content, not all of it can make its way into the officially published material, finding a home instead on the fan-haven Pottermore website. And the same is true of the big screen adaptations of the stories, which really only scratch the surface of the Potter world. To that end, there's naturally plenty of moments that would up being deleted; all of the movies have numerous scenes (and entire subplots) that were cut before release. There's a collection of nearly-finished deleted scenes available on each of the individual DVDs (as well as part of the Complete Series box set), but there's plenty more than never made it that far. Today come along and take a look at fifteen awesome deleted scenes from the immortal movie franchise (where possible the scenes in question have been included for reference). If the popularity of the Harry Potter remains high, which is really beyond doubt with the impending release of the semi-prequel Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, don't be surprised if some of these make their way into a The Lord Of The Rings-style Extended Edition. Now that would be awesome.