15 Creepiest Scenes In Comic Book Movie History

Hands. And more hands.

By Jack Pooley /

Marvel Studios

Superhero movies are best known for their visual majesty above all else, for showing audiences jaw-dropping feats they never could have imagined and taking them to places they've never seen before, but every so often, one of these apparently "harmless" films decides to get creepy and leave audiences thoroughly, unexpectedly disturbed.


From sexual assaults nobody needed to see in a superhero movie to the most unsettling performance in the history of the genre, some eye-meltingly trippy CGI and horrifying make-up transformations, there's plenty to be unnerved by in a class of film typically noted for its explosion-laden spectacle and fist-pumping heroism.

These blockbusters, whether good or bad, pushed the envelope on what superhero movies could get away with (or at least, attempt to), and typically provoked a lot of fanboy back-and-forth on the subject.


Did some of these scenes take things too far, or do more entries into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for instance, need to make audiences feel a little less comfortable? They're not just for kids, after all...