15 Disney Movie Mistakes Only Superfans Would Notice

Did anyone actually edit The Little Mermaid before its release?

By Sara Weir /

Perfection is something that is difficult to achieve, but almost every fan of cinema should easily be able to claim that their favourite film is close to being perfect. They'll happily argue that their favourite has a wonderful soundtrack, a brilliant script and the most endearing characters. In fact, a night in watching one of these movies surrounded by some of your favourite people inevitably sounds like perfection. That is, until you realise some of the whopping mistakes. And once you've noticed them, you can't un-see them. There are a number of movie mistakes in some of your favourite Disney movies that you might not have seen before. Some are so subtle that they'll only ever be found after multiple viewings, and some would have passed by entirely unnoticed if it weren't for the discerning hawk-eye of the army of superfans who endlessly pour over their filmic loves...

15. The Dodgy Portrait

Film: Beauty And The Beast Prince Adam's portrait is ripped up in the introduction of Beauty And The Beast when he realises the's been cursed (completely over-zealously for simply not letting a creepy looking woman into his castle). But if you look closely, the portrait is of his adult self. Beast was cursed by the Enchantress when he was a boy, probably around ten or eleven years old and he's currently twenty one in his beast form. So how is he ripping up a portrait of his adult self when he doesn't even know what his human, adult self would look like? The rips also change from left to right from when Beast actually rips the canvas to when Belle enters the West Wing.