15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

Clear your schedules. It's going to get very, very busy.

By Simon Gallagher /

With the distraction of January now almost out of the way and the traditional dump month releases about to be washed out of memory by the excitement of the Oscars, it won't be long before the real business of 2015's tentpole releases kicks off. And as years go, the next twelve months has the potential to be one of the best in recent memory, provided the promise of the likes of Star Wars, Marvel's slate and the new Bond are all realised. For some, that is a big ask. Taken 3 might already have taken a preposterous $180m worldwide, but the first big release won't hot cinemas until March (unless you count Fifty Shades Of Grey or Jupiter Ascending, which frankly you probably shouldn't for various reasons). In honesty, it's hard to look at the next twelve months and identify a traditionally "quiet" month; blockbusters start hitting in March and April and then the summer slate starts with Age Of Ultron in April and from there it's a breathless ride through to December and Mission Impossible 5. Even in that busy landscape, some films, and even specific moments and scenes stand out as the more important beats along the way: if they all come off as intended, fans are in for a brilliant year, if they fail the repercussions will be major. On their execution hinges whether 2015 will be the year that blockbusters broke loose from their release window restrictions, or whether it will all be an expensive, disheartening mess...