15 Most Paused Movie Moments Of 2015

The most button-wearing-outest moments of the year.

By Simon Gallagher /

Sometimes it takes more than the naked eye to fully enjoy a film. Directors are getting so savvy at hiding Easter Eggs, clues and tiny elaborate details in plain site that fans are now duty bound to sit - remote control in hand - waiting furtively to capture any potential Basic Instinct moments in their favourite films. It's not always sordid - sometimes it is, obviously - as film-makers sometimes merely tease images and revelations that require further appreciation at home with the added benefit of a pause button. That might be to explore the frame for more narrative clues, or references, or to simply enjoy a disgusting or otherwise profound moment in greater detail than full speed can naturally offer. Because sometimes it's better to stop, reflect and share the screenshot with the rest of the world on social media. Behold, the best obscure and blink-and-you'll-miss-them moments from 2015 movies... Honourable Mention

The "Grave Stone" - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Obviously, it's not possible to actually pause The Force Awakens yet (unless you're a damn dirty pirate), but there was a lot of contention at year's end about whether Luke Skywalker was standing next to a gravestone on his little island when Rey came across him. It could have just been a rock, obviously, but that wouldn't be as exciting. Expect this to be a big issue once the film comes out on blu-ray and someone can prove it definitively either way.