15 Rejected Star Wars Items Lucasfilm Didn’t Want You to Have (Which You Can Still Kinda Get Anyway)

By Sean Warhurst /

A long time ago in a boardroom far, far away, Pepsi and George Lucas decided to get together and release some Star Wars themed items together. Unfortunately for everything that is awesome, the deal fell through, despite items like the following somehow making it through the approval process. Years later, a few pieces of concept art were leaked out, melting faces with the sheer level of awesome sauce with a side serving of gnarly salt that they portrayed. The whole story behind the art can be read Here. However, despite Lucasfilm basically kicking sand in the faces of fans and taunting €œNeener, neener, you can€™t ever own these!€ A few enterprising individuals defied the will of Lucas€™s merchandising empire and formed a rebel alliance to ensure that you could own these things, in some unofficial capacity or another. See what I did there? I used an analogy that encompassed the plot of Star Wars to describe what happened... My god, I€™m a geek. Click "next" below to begin our journey...