15 Sad Movies To Netflix And Cry To

In need of a good, therapeutic cry? These 15 films have got you covered.

By Kate Harrold /

The Weinstein Company

It's a universal fact that every now and then, we all need to indulge in a good cry. Maybe you've had a bad day - but in most cases, sometimes there's just no rhyme or reason. If you're looking for a therapeutic release, rest assured - Netflix has the answer to all of your problems. Grab a blanket, open a tub of ice-cream, and sink down into the sofa for a tear-fest.


These films cover just about every sad topic you could think of. If you're in need of a story of heartbreak, you're in luck. Is a harrowing look into our own human history more your thing? That's here too. Maybe it's a tale of love and loss that you're after? Of course, we've got that covered as well.

These films cover different genres, different times in history, and people from different walks of life. However, the one thing that connects them all is that they're all about raw, human emotion. It's proven that crying can make us feel better so take your pick from this list and let the tears roll.

15. Dear John

This wouldn't be a proper list of sad films if it didn't include a Nicholas Sparks adaptation. Sparks is perhaps best known for writing The Notebook but all of his romance novels are immensely popular - so it's no surprise that most of them have become films. Clearly, audiences can't get enough of Sparks' sweet, soppy magic. Dear John is the perfect example.


Released in 2010, Dear John follows Savannah (Amanda Seyfried) and John (Channing Tatum) as they fall in love over summer. As summer draws to a close, John is deployed back to war and the pair must maintain their relationship through letters. We'll keep the events that follow under wraps but rest assured, tears will ensue.

Dear John may be a sad film, but its tale of summer love is sure to bring you equal measures of happiness and tears - a therapeutic watch but not one to leave you sobbing for the rest of the day.
