16 Critically Dismissed Recent Movies (That Weren't As Bad As You Think)

Sometimes, critics really need to lighten up.

By Robin Baxter /

Film critics get a bad reputation these days and that's not really deserved. Film critics do brilliant work all the time and most films that get mixed or negative reviews deserve it at least to some extent. There are always exceptions though.


Looking back through the decade, there are quite a few critically-dismissed movies that arguably weren't nearly as bad as the critical consensus suggested and actually got plenty of things right.

The reasons for these unfair critical maulings vary, but perhaps the most common issue is that some films just aren't really given a chance. If a film seems destined to be a flop or is associated with a widely-disliked genre or brand, then often critics seem to have made up their minds about it before even seeing it. That seems to have been what happened with these following sixteen movies.

None of these sixteen movies are perfect but they aren't nearly as bad as the critical consensus implies and if you go in with an open mind, these movies will likely pleasantly surprise you...

16. The Hangover Part III

Rotten Tomatoes: 20% (Average Score: 4.08/10)


Critical Consensus: Less a comedy than an angrily dark action thriller, The Hangover Part III diverges from the series' rote formula but offers nothing compelling in its place.

After the horrors of The Hangover Part II, no-one was looking forward to this and sure enough it was critically savaged, but here's the thing: The Hangover Part III is kind of okay. Kind of.

It isn't very funny, but it breezes along as a mildly entertaining, perfectly watchable comedic thriller that gives the characters, most importantly the long-suffering Alan (Zach Galifinakis), a good conclusion and is also largely well-acted; in particular, John Goodman is a treat as the film's villain.

Better still, it does away with the mean-spirited tone that plagued the first two films and just, in general, feels slightly nicer which is much appreciated. That mid-credits scene was pretty funny as well.

It's nothing stunning or memorable, but The Hangover Part III is passable and considering that it was following one of the all-time worst film sequels, that's good enough.
