16 Great Recent Movies The Oscars Outrageously Snubbed


By Robin Baxter /

Let's face it: we are all way, way too mean about the Oscars. The thing is, the Oscars do not represent an objective truth; they are just the opinions of a group of people. That's what these types of awards ceremonies are and the Oscars happen to be the most high-profile of them.


We really shouldn't take the Oscars so seriously and instead think of them as a spectacle, like the movies they are supposed to be celebrating.

Like all great spectacles, the Oscars have their ups and down and their rights and wrongs. In fact, a big part of why so many people are so fascinated by the Oscars - or enjoy bashing them so much - is because of all the terrible decisions.

Admit it: without all the controversies the Oscars wouldn't be nearly as much fun to watch. Snubs and bad decisions are part of the Academy's DNA and they are part of what makes awards season so compelling, but that doesn't make it any easier to take when films that really ought to pick up wins are snubbed.

Then again, what would we all rant about if everything went as planned?

16. The Wolf Of Wall Street

Nominated For:


Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Leonardo DiCaprio), Best Supporting Actor (Jonah Hill) and Best Adapted Screenplay. It went home empty-handed alas.

Perhaps it was the film's rudeness and lack of morality that cost it the chance of winning. Whatever the reason, it was screwed over by the Academy and deserved to win at least one award.

The Wolf of Wall Street is let down a bit by being far too long at 3 hours, but on the whole it delivers with a vengeance. Leonardo DiCaprio is the best he's ever been, Jonah Hill is great and Martin Scorsese's direction shows an absolute cinematic master filling every frame with charisma, passion and energy.

It's also dramatically compelling, enormously entertaining and often very funny. Given how accomplished and enjoyable the film is on the whole, the fact that it didn't win any Oscars really doesn't do it justice.

12 Years a Slave and Gravity deserved their respective awards for Best Picture and Best Director, but this should have won Leonardo DiCaprio his Oscar and Terence Winter's script should have picked up Best Adapted Screenplay. This just wasn't fair.
