16 Reasons Why Being A Film Buff Secretly Ruins Your Life

It's probably more of a curse than you think.

By WhatCulture /

If you're both passionate and knowledgable about cinema, chances are that you're a film buff. Film buffs are, generally speaking, the proud know-it-alls of the movie-going world - happy to correct you when you confuse Ingrid Bergman and Ingmar Bergman, or when you casually announce that Forrest Gump is "a great film." For those people who look upon film buffs with a certain dissatisfaction, wondering what led them onto a path of great obnoxiousness, try to reserve your judgement for a little longer, will you? We may throw around big words like "Sergei Eisenstein" and insist that you get aquatinted with the works of François Truffaut before you even dare to have an opinion about movie-making in general... but being a film buff isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, it's way more difficult than you probably think. Because it's not about trying to prove people wrong at all. It's more like... an addiction. A strange, obsessive compulsion that can't be killed. Sometimes we might wonder, hey, wouldn't life be a whole lot easier if we thought Forrest Gump really was the greatest film ever made? So before you cast your disapproving eyes upon film buffs everywhere, consider the fact that holding such an esteemed title might indadvertedly be a burden you never anticipated, for reasons such as...

16. Your Non-Buff Friends Expect You To Know Everything, And Are Noticeably Disappointed When You Fail

"What's the name of that actor, again?" "Uh.. which one?" "That one. The only one on the screen right now." "Oh, uh, I didn't see." "He's still on the screen." "SORRY I'M IN A TUNNEL GOTTA GO."