17 Problems Only Victims In Horror Movies Will Understand

You have no idea how hard it is just to try and stay alive...

By Regina Falange /

You've finished your exams for the year, packed the car, picked up all your best friends and now you're off for a much anticipated break in a woodland cottage with fantastic scenic views. The perfect way to relax. Three days later...half your friends are dead, the others missing, you've got a broken leg and find yourself trying to crawl out the door to safety when there's a mass murderer hot on your tail and of course there's no emergency services because your phone got smashed into little pieces. You can't help but wonder where did it all wrong? These are problems that only victims in horror movies understand. Even if it's not the trips away that kill you off it's your own home that's turned into a death trap. Unbelievable that when you bought this new place nobody cared to mention it was possessed by evil spirits and you can't seem to remember the last time you had a good nights sleep without being dragged under the bed the second your feet hit the floor. There should be a manual left in every haunted mansion; 'do not answer the front door when you're home alone', 'make sure your phone is fully charged at all times' and 'don't go looking in the garage late at night'. Simple, sound advice that will ensure that you won't end up buried in the local cemetery. Who would have thought it's just so damn hard to try and keep alive...