20 Best French Films Of The Last Decade

Which better? Blue, or black and white?

By Jack Pooley /

French cinema has a decades-old reputation for being some of the most sophisticated, elegant and ground-breaking of filmmaking from all over the world, and that reputation hasn't diminished at all over the last ten years. The last decade has seen a few French films win the Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or, not to mention a certain 2011 film scooping up the Best Picture Academy Award. What's really great about French cinema is the variety, and also the quality of that variety: there's high-budget, hallucinogenic art-house dramas, grisly horror flicks as part of the French New Wave of Horror, left-field animated films, socially conscious dramas and practically everything else in-between. They're not afraid to confront challenging issues prevalent in society today, nor are they averse to a straight-up, well-executed genre film, both ends of which are featured in this list. Naturally, whittling the list down to just 20 movies certainly wasn't easy, but the aim has been to provide a wide range of the very best that French cinema is capable of. Needless to say, the next 10 years have a lot to compete with if they're going to match this level of output. Without any further ado, here are the 20 best French films of the last decade...
