20 Essential Movie Performances That Will Define 2015

James Spader terrifies the world as Ultron, Leonardo DiCaprio pursues his Oscar, and more...

By Jack Pooley /

The year of cinema is finally starting to get interesting as studios are preparing to roll out their most precious blockbuster titles, and of course, there's plenty to look forward to when awards seasons rears its head in September. As many great films as there are to look forward to from both the big-budget and art-house realms, what about individual performances which are likely to stand tall above the rest? This can be villainous work in a superhero movie, a promising comedienne trying to make the big leap to features, actors returning to iconic roles for the first time in years and years, and maybe just something that looks like it might scoop an Oscar some time next year. These performances, if they even begin to live up to their potential, will be what everyone's talking about heading into 2016. Actors will try to surprise viewers with against-type performances, others will exploit their slimy charms for grand villainy, and others will simply be trying to finally win that damn gold Oscar statuette (yes, looking at you here, Leonardo DiCaprio). Whatever the rhyme or reason, these 20 performances are sure to be some of the most entertaining, diverse and unexpected turns of the year, whether obscure indie fare or a $200 million sci-fi space opera...
