20 Hidden Movie Frames You Probably Missed In Famous Movies

Tyler Durden shows up earlier than you think.

By Jack Pooley /

It's often said that the very best movies offer up artistry in every single shot, that you could take any individual image from the film and proudly hang it on a wall.


But that apparently isn't enough for some filmmakers, who decided to hide extra added value in specific frames of their movie - the secrets left lying in wait for the most observant viewers to catch.

These hidden frames range from clever visual gags in animated films to sneaky Easter eggs, clever subliminal tricks played on the audience, and occasionally even an effort to cram some objectionable content into the film just for kicks.

In each case, most casual observers never noticed the sneaky images, and it typically only came to light thanks to more recent, high quality home video releases.

Almost nobody caught these secret frames during each film's theatrical release because they simply passed by the human eye too fast, but with the luxury of a freeze-frame at home, fans were able to uncover these telling, at times unsettling hidden secrets...

20. Miles' Eyes Pop Out Of His Head - Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is jam-packed with insanely witty visual gags, and so it's absolutely a movie that benefits from the frame-by-frame treatment.


This is evident no better than in the sequence where Miles (Shameik Moore) and Peter B. Parker (Jake Johnson) sneak into Doctor Octavius' (Kathryn Hahn) lab.

During the mission, Miles ends up falling from the ceiling, and for just a single frame, Miles' eyeballs have visibly exited from his head.

It's basically impossible to catch when played at full speed, but when slowed down, you'll see a pair of eyes, sans-head, staring right at you.

It's both hilarious and a little bit unsettling, honestly, but a testament to the ludicrous attention-to-detail put into even the most "invisible" moments.
