20 Insanely Awesome 2014 Movie One-Liners

The coolest, funniest and most memorable movie quotes of 2014...

By Jack Pooley /

There are countless ways to measure a great movie (or at least a great scene in a movie), be it by way of some terrific acting, a witty script, awesome visual effects, some fantastic music or perhaps just one particular exchange of dialogue that buries itself in the viewer's mind forever more. Crafting iconic dialogue isn't easy, and most often it occurs by accident, but these 20 movies, whether good or bad, came up with at least one indelibly hilarious, awesome or bada** line that film fans will surely be quoting for years on end. There's the so-lame-it's-amazing action movie dialogue, genuinely cool action movie dialogue, inspirational maxims, outrageous pop-culture references, and even a couple of home truths as well. These one-liners were largely the most memorable spoken line from each movie, eliciting laughs, sometimes terrifying audiences and always proving extremely entertaining. Whether they're in line for Best Screenplay Academy Awards or not (in most cases it's probably not), these 20 movies made an imprint on pop culture that's difficult to shake, and will surely endure for the foreseeable future. Without any further ado, from high-budget action flicks to controversial comedies and low-key indie flicks, here are 20 insanely awesome 2014 movie one-liners...
