20 Insanely Awesome 2015 Movie One Liners

Proof that The Rock can make reading the phone book awesome...

By Jack Pooley /

Terrific acting, sharp direction and an engaging plot will get a movie so far, but there's something to be said for the unmistakable allure of a cracking one-liner, be it a snappy retort or the brilliant capper to a lengthy monologue. 2015's biggest movies certainly didn't disappoint with the witty quips and savage declarations, aided by some superb performances that were totally in step with the absurdity, hilarity and dramatic appeal of each moment. After all, a different actor could've made many of these lines stink the joint up, but as it turned out, they resulted in some of the year's most memorable moments. From sheer unbridled bada**ery to genuine tragedy, off-the-wall insanity and everything in-between, here are 20 insanely awesome 2015 movie one-liners...