20 Ludicrously Long Movie Titles You'd Probably Never Watch

By Simon Gallagher /

Hollywood has made some serious misjudgements when it comes to film titles in recent years: Avengers Assemble was an unnecessary decision informed by the stupid assumption that everyone in Britain would immediately think Tony Stark was about to face off against Sean Connery in a giant bear outfit, and both John Carter and Captain Phillips aren't exactly the most inspiring titles ever released. But, it has been an awful lot worse in the past, when brevity was apparently not something that ever came up for discussion. Titles could amble on aimlessly for hundreds of characters, without focus, and without the hooks needed to actually attract potential audiences, or in fact sell the film at all. And occasionally, the titles themselves could be flat out ludicrous, beyond the point of intrigue, and the result, especially for modern audiences fed on tight, smartly-conceived titles (for the most part) would be a raging disinterest that would ruin any marketability. So, move over The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug, and even The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, you're just not long or odd enough for this list. The titles included here are professionally long, and professionally stupid, and there's no way they'd ever convince you to pass over your hard-earneds for a couple of hours in the dark with them. Incidentally, academic films don't really count, since there is probably a very limited audience out there who actively seek things called Introduction To Arnold Schoenberg's Accompaniment To A Cinematographic Scene for pleasure. And if you do, you have all of our sympathy.

Honourable Mention

Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood (1996)What The...? Chances are, you might well have heard of this one. Long before they were making diabolically bad spoof movies of spoof movies (The Haunted House,) the Wayans brothers were merrily making a living in straight up spoofery. Taking in Menace 2 Society, Boyz In The Hood and other genre staples, the cultural message was hardly high-brow, nor intelligently informed, but if that's what you're looking for from that title, you're probably looking in the wrong place. Is It Any Good? It raises a reasonable number of laughs, and the Wayans' dumb shtick was still new enough to be diverting, so you could say that. Just don't expect too much brain activity.