20 Most Critically Adored Comic Book Movies

Who says they're just for kids?

By Samuel Clements /

It’s no longer taboo to admit your insatiable appetite for comic books, and it's cool in a strange sense to understand the mythology behind modern blockbuster heroes. Comic book movies used to be inspired by comics, but now they are quite literally bringing panels to life; the interwoven MCU has shown this already, and DC's latest venture looks set to be heavily inspired by the New 52 line of comic books. With Hollywood pouring more and more money into comic book inspired action flicks, it is hardly surprising that these movies have racked up some pretty high percentages on Rotten Tomatoes as well as pulling in a lot of money. Critics no longer see these films as fodder for children and nerds; comic book films have shown that they can have multifaceted characters and layered plots, as well as spectacular special effects. In short, they're legit. Far from the sixties Adam West Batman movie, the current take on films inspired by funny books allows them to fit in with their contemporaries - The Dark Knight Trilogy is hardly out of place among the action flicks of the day, and everyone is trying to emulate Marvel's success at the moment. And with that shift in mentality comes critical adoration: something that was unthinkable when Sly Stallone was recklessly taking off his Judge Dredd helmet...

20. The Dark Knight

Rating: 94%

Heath Ledger's final complete performance rocked the world, and he has given a whole generation their definitive Joker.


But beyond his stunning performance, Christopher Nolan's second Batman film had an intricate plot, which is still captivating, and it remains incredibly quotable to this day.

The special effects are astonishing, and the movie cemented Batman's integrity as a character - a far shout from the Schumacher days of nipples and unwelcome camp.
