20 Most Iconic Hero Introductions In Movie History

Now this is how you make an entrance in style.

By Andrew Dilks /

People love a good hero. Ever since the ancient Mesopotamian myth The Epic Of Gilgamesh, humans have had a fascination with characters who defy all the odds - and often defied the gods - and transform themselves into true heroes capable of superhuman achievements If there's one thing that Hollywood knows it's that if something isn't broken then there's no need to fix it, and this is as true of the hero myth as anything else. If it worked for the ancient Greeks there's no reason it shouldn't work for the studio exec, and heroes and movies have been together since the dawn of the medium. And, to this day, the summer blockbuster relies on heroes (often provided by Marvel and DC Comics) to lure customers into movie theatres. Sometimes a film shows the audience a character's journey towards a heroic status, seeing them going from "zero to hero" (as the song goes in Disney's film about perhaps the ultimate mythical hero, Hercules); other times they have already attained this status as the film begins. The very best of them make sure the hero is revealed in an unforgettable way which etches them into the heroic hall of fame. Here are the 20 most iconic hero introduction moments in the history of cinema. Now this is how you make an entrance.