20 Things You Need To Do Before Seeing Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Everyone needs a routine, this should be yours.
It's extraordinary thinking that 20 years ago Marvel was struggling financially and on the verge of bankruptcy. However those bad times are little more than a distant memory, as one Disney acquisition and several films later theyre now a Hollywood juggernaut dishing out blockbuster after blockbuster. No one could have predicted how huge The Avengers would be. Fans blew up after Nick Furys appearance in Iron Mans post-credit scene - the very prospect of the worlds mightiest heroes hitting the big screen causing them to salivate from the mouth. It appeared an impossible feat, the skeptics scoffed, and critics wondered how on earth Marvel could succeed where their rivals failed, but billions of dollars later and with arguably the most critically acclaimed cinematic universe ever created one that makes DC green with envy they now seem unstoppable. There's stiff competition, but many people will still tell you that Avengers is the event film of the year. Cinemas will be swamped with comic book fans waving their tickets with borderline Beiber-fever levels of gusto, and a lot of fans will even have a ritual they like to practice before seeing the latest Marvel hit. Just like the superstitious sports fan who, no matter how much it smells or how many holes it has in, wears a particularly old and nasty set of underwear to every game. Tailored for Avengers fans of all persuasions, this is your checklist to get through before April 23rd (or the May 1st if you're unlucky enough to be caught Stateside).