25 Best Disney & Pixar Songs - Ranked

"Listen with your heart, you will understand."

By Sara Weir /

It's no secret that Disney and Pixar have the ability to make both children and adults sob their hearts out with one simple scene *coughToyStory3cough*. But they can also make you laugh, have an existential crisis and explore political issues that you didn't realise were some major themes in a lot of these movies. And the songs can do the same thing. Not only are they extraordinarily catchy songs, but the lyrics are also clever and meaningful, enough to push you into that existential crisis, and if you don't believe a Disney/Pixar song can push you over the edge - check out heartbreaking realism in 'Savages' from Pocahontas. Of course, the majority of them are just a bit of fun and you'll be singing them for the rest of the day once you've listened to them. But picking out your favourite Disney/Pixar song can probably be more stressful than your final year of uni... So here they are, the best Disney and Pixar songs to date and if you can read this without singing along, then you deserve a medal.

25. I Just Can't Wait To be King

Film: The Lion King Best lyrics: No one saying stop that/ No one saying see here/ Free to run around all day/ Free to do it all my way. As Simba grows older, he transforms into an adult who is haunted by his past and unsure of the future - which is easy to relate to; a direct parallel from the almost arrogant and carefree youth that we recognise as a young Simba. it is his childish attitude in I Just Can't Wait To Be King what makes this song so playful and naive; everyone wants to be older when they're young and as soon as they hit adulthood, they wish that they were a child again. At least he was honest about working on his roar...