30 Greatest Star Wars Characters

Rank, or rank not. There is no try.

By Ewan Paterson /


In case you've been living under a digitally retrofitted rock for the last five or so years, you're probably aware of the fact that Star Wars has undergone some pretty massive changes. There's a brand new expanded canon, a selection of spin-off media and a whole new sequel trilogy, each with its own unique mish-mash of characters.


It's difficult to think of many movie heroes, villains and just plain ordinary scoundrels as legendary as the ones located in a galaxy far, far away, and it's with that in mind that actually shortlisting the best of the lot has proven to be such a difficult task. Every Star Wars fan has their own favourite, whether they be from the new canon or old, to the point where any one list is likely to differ drastically in terms of those who may appear. (Some may even have Salacious Crumb or Sy Snootles in their top five - why judge?)

However, it's time to put favourites aside for just one second and take a look at those characters who've made the biggest impression on the Star Wars franchise since making their respective debuts. In this case only those who've appeared in official Star Wars canon will be included, so don't expect to see Kyle Katarn or Mara Jade, as they are now considered 'Legends' from outside the canon.


Either way, here are the absolute greatest Star Wars characters ever created, from film, TV, comics, and beyond...