30 Hilarious Behind The Scenes Shots From Iconic Scary Movies

Way to ruin the magic there, Freddy.

By K.J. Stewart /

Horror movies are all about accepting illusions - probably more so than any other genre. If you love horror movies, immersing yourself in the peculiar worlds governed by things you know to be impossible will be every part of the genre's appeal. You want to be viscerally affected after all. But then if you struggle with scares and feel happier with a comedy than a slasher, there's a good chance that separating illusion from reality ("it's only a movie, it's only a movie") is your emotional crux to get through the scarier films on your viewing schedule. Either way, the success of the scare depends entirely on how convincing the movie magic is. One way to shatter the illusion of the terrifying worlds created by horror movies is to take a look behind the scenes of them. That monster who was mutilating all of those school kids? He's just a guy in a costume. That psychopath who wants to eat a woman's heart? He likes to spend his free time chilling with the cameramen. That sicko who wants to drink a virgin's blood? He likes relaxing with a cup of coffee as much as the next guy. Not only can such scenarios be reassuring, they can also be very funny. The ludicrousness of someone who potentially scares the bejesus out of you in a completely normal situation can result in hilarity, as well - of course - as offering relief for those with more tender constitutions. And happily, like most movie sets, horror shoots have just as many people willing to capture the sillier moments...

30. Jaws

And finally, a classic, as Steven Spielberg has some fun on the set of Jaws, posing in the mouth of the titular shark - dubbed "Bruce" by the crew - for a light-hearted photograph.


So there you have it - thirty hilarious behind the scenes shots from scary movies. Did you enjoy this article? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
