300 makes $27.7 million on it's opening DAY!

By Matt Holmes /

Right at the beginning of the year, Ray and I wrote our predictions for how well we thought certain movies would perform at the Box Office. 300 is the first film from that list, and it looks like I got it totally wrong... I said the film would make $10 million less on it's opening weekend than Sin City, which would be $19.2 million. In reality, the film on Friday (including the late night previews) made $27.7 million. If the flick stays consistent over the weekend, then it will be pushing Ice Age 2's total of $68.03 million making 300 the biggest opening March release of all time. Regardless as to whether it breaks the record or not, the movie has been a massive success which really bodes well for Warner Brothers fast-tracking Zack Snyder's next comic book adaptation, Watchmen. source - showBiz data, coming soon