300 screens at Butt-numb-a-thon

By Matt Holmes /

The annual film marathon from the guys over at AICN took place this weekend with a screening of Zack Snyder's300, a good 3 months before it's wide release. Is all the hype for the film warranted then? This is what Quint had to say on the movie... "The battle scenes are incredibly well shot, beautiful... unlike anything you've seen before. You can see moments of LORD OF THE RINGS style pop up, mostly when you see the full armies from a distance, but the actual fighting is brutal, exaggerated, bloody and just plain old testosterone-driven cool"."The whole thing is exaggerated, not just the fighting. The colors, the costumes, the themes, the dialog, the villains, the heroes, everything in-between. Just like in Frank Miller's book". I guess he isn't saying anything that we couldn't already tell ourselves from the trailer released last week, but it's still cool to know that the film isn't a let down. I spent the weekend reading some of Frank Miller's work, including reading 300 for the first time and I thought it was great. I don't think it's quite up to some of his other works, but it should make a very fine movie. From the trailer it looks like it's going to be as faithfully adapted as Sin City was, almost frame by frame of the comic. Speaking of Sin City, I revisited A Dame to Kill For this weekend and I really think it's one of the strongest Sin City stories to date. I read it with Angelina Jolie in mind, and she is so perfect for the role of Ava it's not even funny. The thought of her playing that character from the book and wearing some of the outfits she wears (or lack their of more like) is too much for my brain to handle. source - aintitcoolnews