33 WTF Moments From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Avengers: Age of a Voltron's Ugly Cousin

By Vince Cicchino /

Avengers: Age of Ultron is a pretty weird film (as discussed by one of my esteemed colleagues right here). There's a genocidal robot, a genitalia-missing android powered by a magical stone, Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Sakovian accent, Jeremy Renner's hair which remains perfectly gelled even when he's at war with a horde of robots, and a reference to Hulk's member in a film funded by Disney. The sequel to a little known art-house release, Age of Ultron sees everyone's favourite team of characters - whose movie rights aren't owned by Fox and Sony - reassemble once more because Tony Stark had the bright idea of powering a dormant, peace-keeping program with an alien stone and then got distracted and went on a schwarma run. Which results in the creation of the villainous A.I. Ultron, a robot with a voice so smooth that it makes silk feel like sandpaper. Naturally, in a film as zany as Age of Ultron, there are plenty of moments which are guaranteed to make you smile, laugh, worry, cheer, and simply make you think 'What the fart?!'.
