5 Actors Who Could Play Ant-Man In MCU Phase Three

By Dean Beirne /

With Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe getting ready to debut for 2015 with the release of Ant-Man, we are going to have a character that is completely new to the comic book movie universe. I am excited for this film as I absolutely love Edgar Wright's work, from Shaun of The Dead to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and I was over the moon when I found out he was directing Ant-Man for Marvel Studios. In order to make sure this doesn't become the next Green Lantern, however, he should cast an actor who is perfect for the role in the same way Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for Tony Stark. Let's get on with it.

5. Joel Kinnaman

This guy just screams superhero to me; he is set to appear as Alex Murphy/Robocop in the upcoming 2014 remake of the classic film, and he was on the shortlist of actors to play Thor before Chris Hemsworth was cast. This is good - it means that Marvel Studios are aware of who he is. Whilst I can only base his acting skills on the recent episodes of The Killing he was on, I still think he has the look for the character and could be a good choice. If Robocop fails, then I don't think he will picked, however if he is not to play the Hank Pym version of Ant-Man, then he could be a good choice for Scott Lang.