5 Films Luc Besson Deserves A Lot More Attention For

By Jon Lovatt /

Luc Besson Jean Reno Leon We all have favourite directors, producers or writers of film. We're all familiar with the works of Steven Spielberg or George Lucas, Stanley Kubrick or Alfred Hitchcock. We're fans of Quentin Tarantino and James Cameron, and can name the works of Tim Burton and Ridley Scott. We know of Jerry Bruckheimer or Peter Jackson, M Night Shyamalan and Guillermo del Toro. In short, we all recognise the big names who give us films. But one name which may not sound so familiar, is that of Luc Besson. Luc Besson is a director, producer and writer of film. He was born in 1959, in the French city of Paris to scuba-diving parents, and grew up in the Mediterranean, travelling off the coasts of Italy, Greece and Yugoslavia . He did not initially want to become involved with cinema, intending instead to become a marine biologist. But at the age of 17, he was involved in a diving accident which cut short his ambitions, as he was left unable to dive. Acknowledging that his life plans were turned upside down, Besson wrote on a piece of paper all the things he was still able to do. In his words, "I saw that I loved writing, I loved images, I was taking a lot more pictures. So I thought maybe movies would be good." More than 26 years on, and more than 50 film productions later, he has proven his younger self correct. Luc Besson is relatively underrated. His name is not as well known as it should be. If we picture directors, producers and writers of his generation, we can think of films they made. Even obscure film-makers are considerably more well-known. I'm sure a lot reading this know of Tommy Wiseau, for example. But Luc Besson deserves a lot more attention for the films he has made. He has produced some iconic titles, some award-winning classics and some truly fantastic cinema. So, as a fan of this French film-maker, but also of cinema itself, here are 5 Films Luc Besson Deserves A Lot More Attention For...