5 Great Star Wars Characters Ruined By The Prequels

By J.D. Laney /

Star Wars fandom is understandably dumbfounding to outsiders, as we seem to hate the saga as much as we love it. The saga contains only six films, and many hardcore fans despise three of them (or four if they have a low tolerance to Ewoks). We may seem like bitter, hateful nerds, but non-fans can never understand just how disappointing the prequel films were. Episodes I-III were released after IV-VI, and not only do they feature improbably worse special effects, they lack the genuine fun and excitement that made the original films classics. To paraphrase one of the most cringe-worthy lines of dialogue in Star Wars history, I wish that I could just wish the prequels away. But the harsh truth is that the Prequel Trilogy is here to stay, and even worse, it is canon. These films may not have ruined anyone€™s childhood, as some of the more dramatic prequel-haters claim, but they certainly tried to spoil several iconic Star Wars characters through George Lucas' misguided attempts to connect everything together. Many familiar faces from the Original Trilogy appear in the Prequels, but they€™re not the people we remember. George Lucas missed what made these characters so endearing in the first place, and in doing so, has made it difficult to ever look at them the same way again...
