5 More Wholly Inappropriate '80s Movies That Taught Me All My Life Values

By Brad Lee /

Recently, one of my articles was published which highlighted my views on censorship and gave specifics as to why I believe that it is not only one of the worst type of hypocrisy that graces our wonderful planet but can actually be detrimental to a child's development (in rare circumstances). As I myself, who had to deal with not only the geographical isolation of where we lived but an abusive childhood, am the epitome of my own ideals and fall under that "rare" category where without these supposedly inappropriate films, I would've turned out either a much nastier person or simply have committed suicide before it got that far. Well, it seemed to resonate with a lot of you readers as not only was it popular but I got some very positive feedback in regards to the classic era of film known as the '80s. And the general consensus amongst those that were fortunate to grow up in this awesome decade was that they also learnt many valuable lessons from the exact same films due to their own families naivety about what parental advisory meant at the time.
So I perused the Wikipedia list of '80s films and spent some time with my recollections and came up with five more examples of movies that were deemed totally inappropriate for me as a child by the powers that be, but not only taught me my morals to live by as an adult but helped to define who I am and what my personal beliefs are to this day. And as I said in the previous article, a lot of kids today probably could do far worse than to learn some of these things. Side Note: As before, this list will only consist of movies from the time period of 1980-1989 and what I saw as a child in that same space of time, so even though say a film like "Full Metal Jacket" was released in 1987, that does not get included on this list as I first saw that as a teen in the '90s...