5 Most Craptastic But Strangely Awesome Superheroes Ever

By Matt Aspin /

Here at What Culture we love our Superheroes. But we're not just talking about the usual suspects when we say that. Sure we love guys like Batman and Superman and The X Men etc but we're also huge fans of those lesser celebrated names who perhaps haven't had quite the success of the aforementioned icons. So today we've decided to take a look at five of the very best craptastic superheroes who deserve your respect and admiration. Sure they might look funny and heck you might not even trust these guys to get your cat out of a small tree but they're still heroes nonetheless and no amount of complaining about it is going to make the blindest bit of difference. So while the internet is abuzz about Man of Steel and the next Avengers movie take a moment to remember the little guys who take care of all the little jobs while the mainstream names are off fighting intergalactic outlaws who threaten the very Earth. Humour us please as we present The 5 Most Craptastic But Awesome Superheroes Ever.